Court Conduct

Mountain View Municipal Court Conduct

  1. Conduct required of all persons while attending court:
  2. Avoid bringing small children to court. If you must, please monitor their behavior so they remain quiet at all times. Parents may be asked to leave the courtroom if their child becomes noisy or unruly.
  3. Hats should be removed before entering a courtroom.
  4. No cell phones are allowed.
  5. No weapons, food, drink, or gum chewing in the courtroom.
  6. While in the courtroom, sit quietly when Court is in session. Do not chat or whisper with friends or relatives. The Court proceedings are being recorded and background conversation can interfere with the audibility of this important record.
  7. Please wear suitable clothing to court. It is inappropriate to enter the courtroom unless you are wearing at least a T-shirt, pants, and shoes. T-shirts that carry offensive slogans or pictures are not allowed. No shorts or tank tops are allowed. No shirttails shall be out.
  8. Reading newspapers in the courtroom, particularly if this causes a distraction, generally is not allowed.
  9. When addressing the judge, stand at the podium and speak into the microphone. Do not approach the bench.